Compressing files with lha.
wishing to compress a file called 'doc' on DFO:
creating 'arch.lha' compressed file in ram:
eg. lha a ram:arch.lha df0:doc
Compressing files with lzx.
wishing to compress a file called 'doc' on DFO:
creating 'arch.lzx' compressed file in ram:
eg. lzx a ram:arch.lzx df0:doc
Compressing files with dms.
To create a dms file in ram: of a disk in df0:
df0:= the floppy drive with disk in
creating a 'arch.dms'file
eg. dms read ram:arch.dms from df0:
Decompressing files with lha.
decompress lha file that is on a floppy in df0.
producing the decompressed file in ram:
eg. lha x df0:arch.lha ram:
Decompressing files with lzx.
decompress 'arch.lha' file on a floppy in df0.
producing the decompressed file in ram:
eg. lzx x df0:arch.lzx ram:
Decompressinga dms
decompress 'arch.dms' in ram: to a disk in df0:
eg. dms write ram:arch.dms to df0:
Information about syntax of a DOS command or programme
The simplest way is to use the pull down menu = 'Workbench' and high light 'Execute Command...'
This will bring up a Enter command and Arguments box, if you type in the command then a space followed by a ? you will get a syntax listing if the programmer has provided one. eg.